Drumpf rides again

Gill Eapen
2 min readJan 9, 2023


The greatest president of the United States who had to sue his alma mater not to release his excellent GPA for fear of discouraging the next generation, rides again. In Brasilia, they took him to heart and stormed government buildings. And the KGB agent has been running his country aligned with the same ideology. And if the religiocrazy ever loses in India, we will see it again. The Wharton graduate is getting closer to Jesus, the last person who had such transforming influence on humanity.

As nearly 50 million anxiously await his second coming, it is important to take pride in the greatest American who ever lived. As Kevin and Jimmy get ready for their greatest adventures, as both are being investigated by the DOJ, Jimmy is getting ready for grander things. He is being consumed by not knowing who leaked Supreme Court decisions, but he is not that worried about his tenure as the coach at Ohio State. Men of such integrity, who “regrets,” his tweet on the rape of a ten year old in his beloved Ohio, are seldom found in positions of making law. And Kevin, happy to hold the gavel and nothing else will get his answers in less than 700 days.

Such is the state of the country, criminals run policies and control agencies who are supposed to prosecute criminals.



Gill Eapen

Gill Eapen is the founder and CEO of Decision Options ®, Mr. Eapen has over 30 years of experience in strategy, finance, engineering, and general management