Dying dream
As the blue planet spins in distress ever faster
As the poles switch, and humans and birds attempt to migrate
As the autocrats rise to control those with belief and nothing else
It is clear that the dream is about to die
As the wealthy rise at the expense of most of the rest
As the war lords attempt to quell uprisings and try land grabs
As religion rises in the East and the West
It is clear that the dream is about to die
As the young get cynical and the old check out
As the women are forced to their ancient positions by the courts
As Jesus, Moses and Rama appear in the political scene
It is clear that the dream is about to die
As the ice caps melt and the electric vehicles save the world
As the solar and wind power guys assert they have already saved it
As culture trumps science, elections trump policy
It is clear that the dream is about to die
As most of the eight billion across the world struggle
Trying to eat, drink and live in the presence of the predators
As those who live in the slums look up to the tall house close by
It is clear that the dream is about to die
As rapists and religious fakirs get the upper hand in democracies
As the Supremes play to the tune of the autocrats to survive
As they squat, threaten and pillage the rest
It is clear that the dream is about to die
Do the remaining eight billion have dreams or does it really matter?
Humans are irrational, and the outcomes, predictable
The dream is dead and gone and those who think otherwise
May need to get their head and psyche examined