It’s a miracle
As they walked out of the African Savannah
As the horizon stretched from the East to the Near West
As the calories run short but the entrepreneurs keep on
They ushered in a miracle most of humanity will never understand
As they created villages, towns, and cities
And segmentation schemes based on physical characteristics
Little did they know there were worse to come
As they will kill and pillage and then seek Gods and spirituality
As religions create mayhem for money and power
As the intelligentsia get drunk on cosmetics and words
And the non-profits and not for profits file regulatory paperwork
There are humans who die in war and the rest in hunger
As the billionaires try to disburse nets or make Mars great again
As the greatest president talks garbage and then incite a coup
As the sanyasi in the East pretend to be one
And then kill those who do not wear the same colors
As the political stooges up their game and talk with their guns
As the senators take care of the people by taking care of themselves
As corruption reign high in the East and the West
It’s a miracle we are still here, hopefully for not too long