Optimizing time
Time, the most valuable resource for any biological entity, is indeed precious. As it ticks away, one has to put the certain past and the uncertain future in context. And, one has to ask questions around existence. Why do we exist and more importantly, why should one exist?
Time has been an enigmatic construct from the inception of humans. As she descended from the trees and tiptoed across the savannah, it was becoming increasingly clear that there is a limit to the number of sunsets and sunrises one could endure. Such a hard constraint is depressing but then it appears unavoidable.
How does one optimize time? As it ticks by, there is no way to get it back. The past appears final and the future uncertain. Optimization then is about utility, how does one maximize the utility from an unambiguously limited resource? With sequential decision-making, biological entities are forced into complex decision problems. And most fail to optimize.
It is all about time, nothing else.