The Effing Chickens of Chicago
The University of Chicago had a deficiency — it has been less efficient in creating criminals compared to sister schools in Boston and Philadelphia. Thanks to couple of Effing Chickens from Hyde Park, that problem has been solved. One has been aiding and abetting the worst criminal in American politics for four years including two impeachments and the other stormed in to almost kill American democracy. Congratulations to my alma mater, we have truly risen to the stature to the East Coast schools in “ethics,” and criminality. Let’s hope we continue, in addition to the Nobel prizes that seem to arrive like clockwork.
The crap man from the East takes the cake. He has pleaded the fifth 100 times it seems. Did he learn that at Chicago or some basement office in DC? Did he really walk the sacred grounds of Chicago where knowledge is created or somewhere else? Did he try to influence other Effing Chickens of Chicago on the premise that Chicago manufactures chickens. We don’t. In fact, Chicago never creates chickens — just a couple of Effing ones in 100 years.
If the Effing chickens who tried to kill democracy by aiding criminals do not go to jail, it is time Chicago rethought its education design. Just as the greatest schools in Boston and Philadelphia pumps out criminals like it is business as usual, it is time Chicago had an introspection. Time to send the Effing chickens to jail and reset.