The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis: There is a solid reason for skepticism
A recent paper (1) argues in favor of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, the idea that an extraterrestrial civilization is alive on Earth today, co-mingling with mere Homo Sapiens, but it fails to consider one important constraint. The Fermi Paradox is based on the idea that a technologically advanced society will be able to scope out the Milky Way in a few million years, but it does require a very advanced kind of society, thanks to Einstein and the cosmic speed limit. This means that if one plots technology advancement of the migrating ET on the X axis and the probability of them doing so on the Y axis, our ET brothers and sisters will have to occupy a tiny spot on the right-top corner. This poses a problem, either they are not here or if they are, they will be hidden by hitherto unknown technologies. Such a conjecture does require extraordinary evidence, contrary to the author’s assertions.
There are good reasons to be skeptical. First, a highly technologically advanced ET (a precondition for them to arrive here), will not be resource poor. There is nothing on the tiny blue dot that ET can’t get elsewhere, gold and diamonds included. Second, the state of affairs on the third rock from the Sun show no sign of intelligence, politicians and billionaires included, nothing that will entice them to come and stay. And finally, we see no signs of co-mingling, as all signs point to a single origination hypothesis (2). The best guess will be that we are on an uninteresting rocky planet, filled with beings with a localized two factor objective function, driven by food and reproduction. Let’s be true to ourselves — if this is the planet, a technologically advanced ET will find attractive, God (or the simulator) help us.
There are good reasons to believe we are alone in the Milky Way. And that may not be bad as in a few centuries, there will be nobody.
(2) Prof. Dirk Schulze-Makuch of Technical University, Berlin, Germany on ET on Scientific Sense ®