The weak and the weary
As cultures and religions clash
As politicians ride high and low
As the rich get divorced and get back again
The weak and weary are left in the cold
As the crypto maniac ride the twitter
With garbage, electric cars and space machines
As Mars is made great again
The weak and weary are left to die
As the departed wait for incarceration
The one who won, look for trillions to shover
As the cops and those who want to be cops fight
The weak and weary are left to fight infections
As the praying and crying idiot in the East
Attempts to make sure his legacy as bad as the one in the West
As they run out of space in the frying pan
The weak and the weary are left out of the books
As the billionaires fight taxes
As the criminals attempt filibuster
As the Supremes rewind time
The weak and the weary are left voiceless
As RNA ride high with intermittent pauses
As the drug finders attempt to save humanity and their shareholders
As the liberals fight the conservatives and defend themselves later
The weak and weary are left defenseless
Is this the way to live?
Is humanity progressing or just digressing?
Can you hear me or are you dumb?
The weak and weary would like to know